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Sustainability Corp. to merge with Oceanfront Corp.

Sylvie Paillard [email protected] A motion by Coun.

Sylvie Paillard

[email protected]

A motion by Coun. Corinne Lonsdale to place the seven members of council, a Chamber of Commerce representative and a BC Tourism Innovations representative on the board of the Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵSustainability Corporation (SSC) was defeated with Coun. Mike Jenson and Lonsdale in support.

Currently only Mayor Ian Sutherland and deputy administrator Brent Leigh sit on the board that oversees the Adventure Centre, but Sutherland said he will put forward a motion within the next few weeks to merge the SSC with the Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵOceanfront Development Corporation (SODC).

"They'll be separate entities with separate revenues and expenses," said Sutherland.

City hall to be audited

A motion by Jenson to bring in municipal auditor George Cuff to Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵpassed with Sutherland and Coun. Raj Kahlon opposed. The two-day audit would result in a report and recommendations at a cost of $10,500.

"I think it would save us a heck of a lot more than $10,500," said Lonsdale.

Tempers flare over motions

A discussion over a provincial bill revoking the rights of municipalities to grant zoning of Independent Power Projects (IPP) on Crown Land turned into a yelling match during the regular council meeting Tuesday (May 2).

Council was initially in agreement when Sutherland put forward a motion to support a Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) letter sent to Victoria denouncing Bill 30.

But when Lonsdale put forward a motion to send a second letter to provincial officials reasserting council's position that Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵopposes development of independent power on the Ashlu River north of Squamish, the disagreement became heated. Coun. Patricia Heintzman immediately seconded the motion but Sutherland opposed it. "We're mixing apples and oranges here," he said. "The issue is taking away the rights of local governments to rezone."

Lonsdale said the issue is relevant since the very reason Bill 30 exists is because the Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵLillooet Regional District (SLRD) opposed the Ashlu IPP.

Sutherland said during a councillors' retreat in January, council agreed not to bring motions "at the 11th hour" and so, as chair of the meeting, he attempted to throw out the motion. Lonsdale said that under the Robert's Rules of Order, a motion cannot be ignored if it's been seconded. Heintzman said that the mayor's former motion regarding the SLRD letter was at the 11th hour and was passed without raising that issue.

Sutherland began asking councillors in turn whether or not they had agreed on the issue of motions during the retreat. When Jenson hesitated, saying "we discussed it, we didn't vote on it," Sutherland's patience waned.

"I clearly cannot trust this council to do what it says. I am sick and tired of council agreeing to do things and changing their minds," he said. "We'll follow the Robert's Rules to the letter and see what that's like."

Council agreed to defer the motion and Kahlon motioned for a three-month deferral. The motion was defeated with Kahlon and Sutherland in favour. Heintzman then put forward a motion to defer for two weeks, but discussions continued with Sutherland and Lonsdale exchanging arguments. Kahlon then expressed anger at Lonsdale for misinterpreting a statement he made. Heintzman interjected.

"I think we've yelled at each other long enough," she said.

A motion to defer for two weeks the motion to send a letter to Victoria reasserting that Ó£ÌÒÊÓƵopposes the Ashlu IPP proposal was passed with Kahlon and Sutherland opposed.

Budget's third reading passes

Council passed a motion to hold the third reading of the 2006 to 2010 budget with Lonsdale opposed.

"I have a great deal of difficult with the budget," said Lonsdale. "We could've pared another $2 million off. Nobody here has been on council in the bad times. I have and I remember them. We can't be riding a high forever. There will be bad times again."

Council went on to unanimously support the tax increase of 5.8 per cent.

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